Step Into the River


Step Into the River

If you have even gone swimming in a river, you know there are shallow places and then it gets deeper, and you can swim. Some rivers are narrow, and others are wide, but usually you can see the other bank not too far off.

Use your imagination with me as you close your eyes and visualize a gentle flowing river that is pure sparkling water and it seems to be alive. Step with me into the cool refreshing water and it covers our ankles. A friend takes our hand and leads us to take another step and now it is up to our knees, and then to our thighs, just another step or two we find ourselves floating as we realize the water is gently pulsating our flesh. On the bank of the river, we see trees with vibrant leaves. There is healing in the leaves. One of the attendants is picking the leaves and placing them in the river. We notice that pain and hurts are gone and a feeling of exuberance and life is flowing throughout our physical body.

No doubt you recognize this was the river that Ezekiel saw in a vision, chapter 47: 3-5 
 And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through, the waters were to the loins. Afterward he measured a thousand; and IT WAS a RIVER that I could not pass over, for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a River that could not be passed over.

The pioneer men and women were obsessed to find the source of the rivers. They followed upstream until they arrived at the source.

The River Jordan in Israel originates from the waters of Dan where it rushes violently downward, other waters meet and mingle and it becomes no longer clean and clear. By the time it reaches an area where many visiting Christians want to baptized in the River Jordan it is not the same as when it left the source.

We can use this information to understand spiritually, the source of our living water is from Jesus, and we dare not mingle the occult or anything that is not scriptural or we become tainted and muddy.

The Bible tells us where the river originates; and it is from the Throne in Heaven and it comes from the Rock, which is Christ Jesus. Jesus has the living water where the river springs up and then flows outward.

Reading from Revelation 22:1-‬2 ESV Then the angel showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb; through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

David saw the river as he wrote in Psalms 46:4,5 There is a River, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be mover: God shall help her, and that right early.

You may ask, what are the benefits of the River? The River brings healing, and thus Revival where signs and wonders begin to happen.

The River causes us to lift up our eyes and see the things of the Holy Spirit and we live and move and have our being in Him.

Often God chooses persons who consider themselves small and are absent of pride to use mightily.

He sends the River of Revival flowing through people just like you and me, those who will humble themselves and allow the River of Life to flow through them. As you pray for your family, for your city, your nation and for the World, begin to see water flowing and surrounding those you are lifting up in prayer. Allow the healing River to flood your prayers and those you intercede for and expect changes. Next begin to praise God for His river and allow it to do a new work in you.

We have studied, about Jesus being the Life and the Light, and how we can enter into His presence with praise, continuing into worship, and then expect the Glory Cloud to surround us. We can sing his many names, for Jesus is Wonderful, He is mighty, the Lamb of God, the Light, the Life, He is wisdom, He is our righteousness, our savior, our baptizer, comforter, soon coming King, and Jesus is the River. He will teach us to lift up our eyes, and see things differently.

We will begin to see sinners as they can become, not as they are, we shall see into the things of the Holy Spirit as Jesus reveals to us His plans and desires for us. He will teach us that to obey is the best choice in life, in fact the lessons may be hard, but He is faithful to bring us through as victors not victims.

There is Wisdom and Revelation Knowledge in the River, as we saturate ourselves in the River.

Ezekiel 47:6 And He said onto me, Son of man, have you seen this? Then He brought me to the brink of the River. Jesus is instructing us to look – to use our spiritual imagination to see.

The Lord desires that we lift up our eyes and see. He wants us to just pay attention.

Jesus is the River and He brings life, provision, safety, security, Treasures you may not expect, even promotion to a higher position in life.

The river is not a myth, or a dream, it is a reality, but to enter the River, you will find it necessary to humble yourself, to surrender your will to His will, and to be ready to obey what He tells you.

How do we enter this tangible River of God? You may need to do some things you have never done before, but it will take you into the River. Begin to sing praises to the Lord. Rejoice in what he is doing for you. Tell Jesus you love Him, you adore Him, and cherish all his beautiful names as you sing. Give voice to your thankfulness for His goodness and His mercy. He loves to hear your voice.

Isaiah 42:10 Sing onto the Lord, a New Song, and his praise from the end of the earth, you that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants there of.

Then dance before the Lord. You may say, I can't dance, I am too old, or too feeble – but you can move your body a bit. Just allow your body to do a step, or a sway and move in a simple dance for the Lord. You will find yourself in His Love, as you are taking a step into the River where the healing waters flow.

Psalms 46:4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.

Yes, may I urge you to step into the River for you will find that Jesus is there waiting for you.


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