
Showing posts from May, 2021

Prophesy as you Pray

Today we will consider that we can and should use the gift of prophesy to make declarations and to proclaim blessings over our family and over our citizens.  We declare; "That they may have open eyes and open ears so that understanding is revealed about God’s love and mercy." The scriptures given at the end of this lesson from the Old Testament reveal that groups of prophets followed the major Prophet and gleaned from his anointing to prophesy.  These groups were not necessarily leaders, and in some cases they were messengers who simply showed up; and the overflow anointing flooded them and they prophesied.    So in order to prophesy, there must FIRST be a deep desire to operate in the Holy Spirit Gifts and an "active relationship" with Jesus.     Knowing this - - understand that you as a simple person may prophesy!! Paul was teaching about spiritual administrations and gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians  12:1  Now co...

Step Into the River

  Step Into the River If you have even gone swimming in a river, you know there are shallow places and then it gets deeper, and you can swim. Some rivers are narrow, and others are wide, but usually you can see the other bank not too far off. Use your imagination with me as you close your eyes and visualize a gentle flowing river that is pure sparkling water and it seems to be alive. Step with me into the cool refreshing water and it covers our ankles. A friend takes our hand and leads us to take another step and now it is up to our knees, and then to our thighs, just another step or two we find ourselves floating as we realize the water is gently pulsating our flesh. On the bank of the river, we see trees with vibrant leaves. There is healing in the leaves. One of the attendants is picking the leaves and placing them in the river. We notice that pain and hurts are gone and a feeling of exuberance and life is flowing throughout our physical body. No doubt you recognize th...

God will Give Back What the Enemy Has Stolen

  God will Give Back What the Enemy Has Stolen Today we shall view a story from Genesis chapters 13 and 14, about Abraham and his nephew Lot, as they obeyed God leaving their home land and journeyed where God told them to go. As the days went by, Abraham told Lot they needed to separate because their herds and their many servants were crowded and it was causing arguments. Abraham allowed Lot to chose first; So Lot chose the plains where there was much water and he pitched his tent towards Sodom that wicked city where the men were full of evil. Abraham took his flocks and servants in another direction and all went well.    Until - -   One day five kings in a neighboring area decided to band together and attack the city of Sodom, stealing all their wealth, and taking slaves of the people including Lot and his family and their goods. Now Abraham had made a blood covenant with people surrounding him, so a covenant meant that you were to look out for one anoth...

High Gates and High Towers

  High Gates and High Towers There is only one Door into Heaven and that is through Christ Jesus. Jesus told us, “I am the WAY the Truth and the Life and NO one may enter into my Father's presence except by me. Jesus said in another verse, I am the Door of the sheep fold. So we established that there is only ONE way to be saved, and to reach heaven when we die However while we are here living on this earth; there are several ways to enter into God's presence and a number of ways to pray and receive answers.   Let us mention a few ways to pray Recently we were encouraged to praise the Name of Jesus by singing and then enter into worship by dancing or moving our body as we praise the Lord. Many have reported answers to prayer, people receiving their healing, their deliverance and others coming to Jesus to receive Salvation as praise reached the glory cloud sending forth fulfillment for the needs of the people. This is not the only way to receive answers to our pr...

The New Covenant

  The New Covenant What is a covenant? Literally, it is a contract; An agreement between two or more persons giving them legal rights, in return for certain fulfillment of obligations. In today's world we often see marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman, as they make a legal agreement to live together as husband and wife until death do them part. There are many other contracts or agreements such as when you purchase a home or a car; you pledge to make the payments on time and complete the assigned obligation on the agreed time and date. In parts of the world, and in most all times, a blood covenant was the strongest type of covenant two people could enter into. It has been used in civilized as well as primitive nations to unite two people together in marriage, business or friendship. The covenant was made when the blood of two individuals was mingled. It could be done by cutting the palms of the individuals and then the shaking of hands combined the blood. It coul...

Time to Cross Over - -

  Jesus is Not Worried - Time to Cross Over We have just celebrated “Pass-Over,” the time the Angel of death Passed Over and did not take the firstborn from the Children of Israel.  Pharaoh was now anxious for them to leave Egypt – but ahead of them was the Red Sea;  an impossible undertaking to  cross over.   God told Moses what to do.  The next morning, God said “Now it is okay to  CROSS OVER , because I am going before you.  God was leading them into supernatural events ahead as he provided and protected them. God specializes in things thought impossible, and He wants us to trust and obey. The disciples of Jesus had toiled all night and had NOT caught any fish.  Jesus told them to  “CROSS OVER”  their net to the other side of the boat.  When they obeyed His command, their net was so full of fish they were afraid the net might break. (but it didn’t.)   Often we are so comfortable d...