Prophesy as you Pray

Today we will consider that we can and should use the gift of prophesy to make declarations and to proclaim blessings over our family and over our citizens. We declare; "That they may have open eyes and open ears so that understanding is revealed about God’s love and mercy." The scriptures given at the end of this lesson from the Old Testament reveal that groups of prophets followed the major Prophet and gleaned from his anointing to prophesy. These groups were not necessarily leaders, and in some cases they were messengers who simply showed up; and the overflow anointing flooded them and they prophesied. So in order to prophesy, there must FIRST be a deep desire to operate in the Holy Spirit Gifts and an "active relationship" with Jesus. Knowing this - - understand that you as a simple person may prophesy!! Paul was teaching about spiritual administrations and gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:1 Now co...