Moving in Faith – (Gleaned from Joshua Mill's book Moving in Glory Realms)


Moving in Faith –

(Gleaned from Joshua Mill's book Moving in Glory Realms)

Scripture tells us in Romans 12:3 God gives to each person a “Measure” of Faith. This includes the atheist and agnostic; yes they have faith rooted in humanistic theories, science and man made technologies. They trust in their own minds. But as spiritual people, we know this is foolish because; according to Proverbs 28:26 “those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. And Proverbs 3:15; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.

The kind of faith that is pleasing to God is; “God-Faith.” Faith is the starting point for all spiritual experiences.

Joshua Mills identifies “Faith is the Supernatural bridge between the “NOW” and the “NOT YET. It is the spiritual force that pulls the future promises of God into our, “Here – and – Now reality.”

There are three dimensions of Faith.

Scripture tells us of the process as we are changed and advance from faith to faith. Spiritually we are strengthened as we move from one dimension of trusting God to the next.

In the same way that there are three Realms of the spirit; (Faith – Anointing – the Glory) there are three dimensions of faith.

First: Little faith: Jesus spoke of “Little Faith” in Matthew 8:26 when the disciples were fearful due to the storm, but Jesus rebuked the wind and commanded the waves to cease. And Luke 12:28; when Jesus told us to not worry because God feeds the birds and clothes the grass. This is natural faith we all possess to trust anything at all. Many trust in themselves, or the government, insurance plans, health care systems. - - This is called “little faith” or weak faith, because it relies on everything and every body – except God.

Second: Great Faith: This is when we hear and receive the truths of the Scriptures and our spirit enlarges, we are brought to another dimension of faith. This is called “Great Faith.” Matthew 8:10 when the Centurion with the paralyzed servant told Jesus - “Just speak the word and my servant will be healed.” Jesus was actually surprised, and said, I have not found such great faith with anyone, even in all of Israel. Matthew 15:21-28 The Gentile Canaanite woman begged Jesus to case out the evil spirit from her daughter, but, Jesus told her, I came to the lost sheep of Israel, is it fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs! But she came kneeling and worshiped him, saying, 'yes Lord but the little pups do eat the crumbs that fall under the table.' Jesus spoke boldly and answered her, Woman, Great is your Faith, be it done for you as you desire. - - and when she arrived home she found her daughter in her right mind cured. The woman with the issue of blood as she reached out to touch his garment as she knew if she could only touch, she would be healed. This kind of faith caused Jesus to be impressed. And he said this was great faith.

The third dimension of faith available for the believer in which to operate is the highest level of faith.  It is - - Perfect faith;

Perfect faith believes in the NOW.  James 1:6 Asking in faith with no wavering – no hesitating, no doubting; for the one who wavers, hesitates, and doubts is like the billowing surge out at seat that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind.

While Jesus was on this earth, he walked in this perfect dimension of faith influence.

He spoke, transacted was directed by and functioned under the understanding of God's perfect will. As a result Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing, nothing more and nothing less. He only said what He heart the Father speaking not adding or taking away a single word.

Perfect faith is the actual faith of God, not faith from God. It is in this place of faith that we can say, in him we live and move and have our being.

Many believers have faith IN God, but they don't have the faith OF God. We need to cry out for the God Kind of Faith.

    There is a world of difference between these two types of faith. Faith in God relies on our understanding. Our faith input determines our miracle output.

    Faith in God believes the miraculous is accessible when and how God permits, but the faith of God understands the new covenant by divine revelation and knows that the miracle is available now. The Faith of God relies on the Spirit's ability alone, Faith imparted to us by the Holy Spirit is perfect, and cannot be swayed.

Faith also takes on many different expressions, each with their own personality and attitude. Faith Hears and Sees and Speaks and Tastes. Faith also either receives or refuses. Most importantly, faith takes action.

Faith has ears to Hear. Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith hears the Word which is spirit and life. Faith hears the Rhema Word (spoken word) as well as the Logos Word of God.

Faith has eyes to see: Your faith must understand this truth. Faith is never blind, it never acts on impulse or whim. It sees, observes and explores in the realm of the Spirit. In the same way that my physical eyes allow my mind to understand the natural world around me, my faith allows my spirit-man to understand the realm of the divine supernatural.

Faith sees the solution, not the problem. Faith sees the answer, not the question. Faith sees the miracle, not the mess. Your eyes must be open to see what God is doing.

Faith gives you those eyes to see what God sees.

In the same way that faith hears and sees, it also has a voice that speaks with precision. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith filled words will cause you to prosper and be successful. Words are the most powerful thing in the universe, containing the capacity for blessing and cursing. God desires to give you His NOW - words of faith. God wants to give you a word that is filled with total victory and blessing. Romans 10:8-9 The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart; that is the message concerning faith that we proclaim; If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Faith refuses – yes refuses and resists the enemy suggestions and accusations. Faith refuses to allow the enemy to put on them a virus, disease or sickness. Faith speaks and says; “Return to sender.”

Our words reveal the thoughts, intents, and beliefs that we carry within. When we receive the Faith OF God for an issue, our words change. That is what begins the supernatural shift in the natural realm.

We confess with our lips what we believe in our Spirit. Faith speaks what it sees in the supernatural dimension when the voice of faith speaks, vision is received.

It is good to remind ourselves that Faith always works by Love.


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