Experiencing the Depths of the Anointing - Gleaning from Joshua Mills' book; Moving in Glory

Experiencing the Depths of the Anointing - Gleaning from Joshua Mills' book; Moving in Glory Recently we shared about how God enjoys numbers, and as we study the scriptures we can see sets of threes, sevens, tens, and multiplications of all these. Three is a number of Completion; We serve a triune God; and we recognize God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We ourselves are a triune being, we are a spirit, we live in a body, and we have a soul. God invites us to experience salvation, baptism, and into His manifest presence of His Glory. Growing, learning, and gaining spiritual expertise, is a process at times, although some grow more quickly than others. In the Spirit realm, we studied about three dimensions which are Faith, the Anointing, and the Glory. Everything in God leads to something greater, deeper, wider and higher than before. Our searches took us to the three areas of Faith, and we are reminded that Jesus spoke of “Little Faith” of “Great ...