New Year - New Beginnings

"6 Prophetic Words for Your New Beginning" Guest - Jennifer LeClaire, Fort Lauderdale, FL I believe 2020 is a year of new beginnings and that means birthings. Some of you, though, need a little more encouragement. I believe the following six utterances, along with Scriptural references and prayer starters, can help you press into your new beginning. I hope they encourage you as much as they did me. 1. Determine to Follow Your Desires Determine to follow your desires, for I have placed those desires in your heart as you have delighted yourself in Father. As you continue to seek first the Kingdom and Our righteousness, I will direct your steps on a lighted path that will take you where We both want you to go. Apart from Christ you can do nothing, but you are not apart from Christ. You are in Christ, and He is in you. If you determine to reach His high calling for you and lean and depend on Me to guide you, nothing shall by any means stop you. SCRIPTURE: Psalm...