
Showing posts from April, 2023

How to Change a Culture

How to Change a Culture !!   I Peter 4:12 NLT     Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Our Bible Study teacher opened the meeting by praying over the Students that the Holy Spirit would saturate each one with God’s Presence giving them grace to stand when trouble comes their way. Reckless living brings consequences.  Each “Culture” has their own sin, but we choose to shun evil and live right.  As a church here, do we affect those who accept and live in this sinful culture?  We do not accept their sin, but we accept and love the person.  Making wise choices can change your future. In the apostles day they were in a culture mirrored by today’s society.  Paul admonished Christians to abstain from sexual sin, not to partake of meat offered to idols and not to drink blood.  In today’s world we could add habits that lead to addiction....