
Showing posts from January, 2020

Who is Jesus? Chapter 2 “ God Promises a Lamb as a Sacrifice”

Who is Jesus? Chapter 2 “ God Promises a Lamb as a Sacrifice” God lives in eternity, so with God there is no "time" as we know it. The Bible says, a thousand years is as a day with God. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, God was not in a hurry to put His plan of redemption in place. There was much to do first. Many of the things God caused to happen were for examples and pictures of a Savior who would become the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. The prophets often spoke of a Messiah who would become the savior of all mankind. From Adam onward there were faithful men who loved God and refused to worship idols and false gods. One such man named Abraham was promised by God, to make of him a great nation. As time went by, there was a great famine in the East, and Abraham's children - - (Jacob's family) went to Egypt to purchase food. They settled down and raised grain and sheep plus their families quickly multiplied. Eventua...

“Hungry - Thirsty - and Cold”

“ Hungry - Thirsty - and Cold” The Message at our Praying Over our City Meeting Have you ever been so hungry that your stomach growled to let you know about it? Have you ever been so thirsty that your mouth and throat was so dry as the desert? How about being cold? So cold that you shivered, seeking a place to warm yourself? There are different kinds of hunger, thirst and cold. The natural man has physical needs of our bodies. Jesus said, that he cares about our simple needs and we see in the Bible evidence of this when he fed an extremely large crowd of people on two occasions. Jesus also said, he feeds the birds and not to worry about our food or clothing. Elijah was hungry when he asked the widow women to make him a cake first and then feed her son. Her intention was for her and her son to eat the cake and then die, but she decided what difference would it make? I will feed the prophet. It was then an amazing miracle caused the oil and flour to r...

Who is Jesus? Chapter 1 Jesus was in the Beginning with God

Who is Jesus? Chapter 1 Jesus was in the Beginning with God You may wonder where was Jesus before He became a baby born in the city of Bethlehem of a young Virgin girl named Mary? Understand that our Father God is a spirit not seen with visible eyes, and from the beginning, Jesus also was in spirit form. Jesus was Spirit not flesh until the Holy Spirit placed the seed containing Jesus into the womb of Mary. At that precise moment Jesus because human flesh, however his blood was divine and of his Father God. Scientist tell us the baby's blood is not from the mother but from the father. This fact reveals that the blood of Jesus was sinless, holy and pure and from His Father God. This fact alone is the reason that the blood that Jesus shed on the cross is able to wash away our sins and change us into a person pleasing to God. As we take a quick look at the gospel of John chapter one we see; "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God...

California Declaration for 2020

Annette Thiesen Missionary to Honduras and Peru shares this word for California - -  A Key State to Focus on This Year - - California “I see a window over the state of California. I have a strong connection with this state. I pray for California. My daughter and her family live there. When she was moving there, she asked me if I had been one that prophesied that California would fall into the ocean. I said, ‘No, but we gave you swimming lessons in case it does.’ Ha! You just have to go where God tells you, even if hard things have been prophesied over the place.  “California is the closest place to Israel in our nation. What I mean by that is that it has the same atmosphere as Israel. It has the same look as Israel. There is some sort of Divine anointing on it. It has a few problems. We all know that. But if He can save  my  family, He can save California. There is an open window over the state that we have to look up and see. It’s time for breakthrough in...

“Who made you a Ruler and a judge over us?"

Message at Praying Over our city at Open Door Church: Wednesday 01/08/20 “Who made you a Ruler and a judge over us? Exodus 2:14 Moses was raised by the pharaoh's daughter and lived in the palace, but he knew that eventually he was to be the deliverer of his people, but his timing was off. One day he killed an Egyptian when he should have been minding his own business. A few days later he viewed two Israelite men arguing and he tried to intervene. One of them asked, “Who made you a ruler and a judge over us.” Genesis 37 Tells us of a young boy Joseph who had amazing dreams, and of course he wanted to share with his brothers. The dreams were significant of the future but the brothers were jealous and did not appreciate being told about spiritual things. So his brothers said to him, “Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?” So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. Of course we know the end of the story ...