Who is Jesus? Chapter 2 “ God Promises a Lamb as a Sacrifice”
Who is Jesus? Chapter 2 “ God Promises a Lamb as a Sacrifice” God lives in eternity, so with God there is no "time" as we know it. The Bible says, a thousand years is as a day with God. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, God was not in a hurry to put His plan of redemption in place. There was much to do first. Many of the things God caused to happen were for examples and pictures of a Savior who would become the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. The prophets often spoke of a Messiah who would become the savior of all mankind. From Adam onward there were faithful men who loved God and refused to worship idols and false gods. One such man named Abraham was promised by God, to make of him a great nation. As time went by, there was a great famine in the East, and Abraham's children - - (Jacob's family) went to Egypt to purchase food. They settled down and raised grain and sheep plus their families quickly multiplied. Eventua...